Five Key Reasons It Pays To Foster Kindness At Work

In some corporate cultures, kindness is hardly a core value. Instead, employees are urged to focus on getting their jobs done, staying disciplined, and maybe even being aggressive if the situation calls for it. In these kinds of cultures, kindness is perceived as a weakness. What these companies might not know, though, is that kindness …

Life After COVID- 5 Signage Tips For A Post-Pandemic World

As businesses re-open, many will do so with strict hygiene measures in place. Travel, logistics and transportation will operate under strict monitoring and staggered timetables. Face masks may become an everyday accessory, and large-scale events may not even take place until 2021 or even later. All of this will significantly affect the way we communicate …

Three Steps To Boost Critical Thinking

Leaders know the importance of critical thinking, especially during times of crisis. The pandemic requires that leaders provide thoughtful and informed direction, helping guide their team forward even when the way ahead looks uncertain. Although you know your team looks to you for leadership, you may be struggling to think clearly during these tumultuous times. …

Dealing with a bad customer-provided design

SignCraft turned to a veteran sign designer Gary Anderson [Bloomington Design, Bloomington, Indiana], who has been creating custom signs for over five decades, for advice. Gary’s work and his articles have been published in SignCraft since 1983, and he has published two books on sign design with SignCraft: Signs, Graphics & Other Neat Stuff and …

Smart Strategies To Go After (And Achieve) Your Goals

Sales professionals know all about setting goals. They know that the best ones come together at the intersection of achievable and challenging. When you meet sales goals, you are often rewarded with a bigger paycheck or a more impressive title. It’s not an easy road, though. Most people don’t end up accomplishing what they set …