Nine Tips To Avoid Wasting Time In Meetings

Nine Tips To Avoid Wasting Time In Meetings by Audrey Sellers Source: Ted Kitterman is an editor of PR Daily for Ragan Communications. Nearly three out of four professionals say they waste time every week due to unnecessary meetings, according to Atlassian, and 45 percent say they feel overwhelmed by the amount of meetings they attend. Some …

Benefits of Selling Branded Merchandise for Your Business

Benefits of Selling Branded Merchandise for Your Business By: Christina Duron : The TJB American Business Magazine Are you considering adding branded merchandise to your retail or online store? No matter the size of your business, branded merchandise is a great option for all kinds of businesses. Discover the benefits of selling branded merchandise for …

Six Ideas To Reconnect With Lost Leads

Six Ideas To Reconnect With Lost Leads Compiled by Audrey Sellers Source: : Flori Needle (Writer for HubSpot Sales Blog) | PPAI Media As every seasoned sales professional knows, not every lead turns into a sale. You may have hundreds or even thousands of prospects who didn’t convert. Whether they return your calls or emails, …

Seven Content Marketing Trends To Watch This Year

Seven Content Marketing Trends To Watch This Year Compiled by Audrey Sellers Source: : Barbara von der Osten | PPAI Media Content marketing can take on many forms, from blogs to videos to podcasts. When you create and publish content your audience finds valuable, you can help show your expertise and stand apart from other …

How custom stickers can help build your business

How custom stickers can help build your business Are you starting a business on a low budget or looking for a creative way to boost your branding? Then custom stickers can help. Custom vinyl stickers are different than labels and a great way to get your brand in front of new customers and advertise in new …