Four Signs Of A Leader Of Hope

Four Signs Of A Leader Of Hope

by Audrey Sellers| PPAI Media

People need effective leadership now more than ever. True leaders guide the way with humility, integrity and honesty. They are radically transparent, and they accept blame when they fail. Instead of deflecting, they choose to take responsibility and fix the problem.

John C. Maxwell, bestselling author, coach and speaker, says some leaders stoke fear over hope, but it shouldn’t be that way. If you aspire to be a better leader for those in your charge, keep reading this issue of Promotional Consultant Today. We share four hallmarks of a great leader, according to Maxwell.

1. They always look for the good. Leaders who embrace hope do not waste their time or energy digging for dirt on their employees or colleagues. Instead, they look for the positive in other people and situations. Maxwell says they believe the best of people and believe the best for the future. They inspire others to seek what’s true and noble, and they paint a picture of a promising future that welcomes all.

2. They live from good values. While some leaders live out their emotions for their teams or the entire company to witness, the best leaders learn to manage their emotions. They do not lead from a place of anger or resentment but instead look to their core values. The best leaders understand that their emotions will change, but good values are permanent. According to Maxwell, leaders who live by their values provide a consistent and solid path for those who follow. They can create a sense of confidence and trust, even amid the unknown.

3. They work to build bridges. Some leaders will do anything to satisfy their own personal agenda, including sacrificing relationships and burning bridges. As a result, Maxwell says they create an atmosphere of disloyalty and mistrust that only increases the uncertainty and chaos their followers feel. Leaders of hope, on the other hand, continually build new bridges while maintaining previous relationships. They know that to achieve progress, they must nurture relationships and show their employees that they matter.

4. They tell the truth. Some leaders like to take advantage of chaotic situations by manipulating the truth to their advantage. Sometimes they manipulate with half-truths or only tell the side of the story that makes them look good. Maxwell sometimes they point out lies that others tell in order to hide their own. Leaders of hope take no part in dishonesty or misleading people. They stand on the truth by bringing facts into the light and not trying to brush important facts under the rug. As a result, Maxwell says these kinds of leaders model a hopeful way forward for their teams.

Instead of sowing disharmony and confusion, the best leaders work to inspire hope. Consider the ideas above as you contemplate how you can responsibly use hope in your leadership strategy.

Compiled by Audrey Sellers

Source: John C. Maxwell is a No. 1 New York Times bestselling author, coach and speaker who has sold more than 24 million books in 50 languages.

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522 words
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